Sourcerist Knits (AKA I Disappeared, But I Didn’t Die!)

It’s been a long, long LONG time since I’ve posted anything here, mostly because a while back I made the executive decision to close down KSSD. It was a hard call, but I am now happily frolicking (READ: battling uphill) through the wonderful world of skincare.

That doesn’t mean I gave up all things clothing- I just don’t do it for work anymore. Which, if I’m being honest, makes it a whole lot more enjoyable for me. Recently, I’ve taken up knitting. And, being me, I decided to do it the hard way.

No scarves and hats for me. Oh no. I decided that since I could do a basic knit-and-purl, and I can draft patterns, I am totally capable of designing my own knitting pattern.

It’s an interesting process. With sewing, the design is built into the construction and detailing of the final product. Those elements are still present in designing a knitting project, but on top of that, you have to create the actual textile!

Having not much background in knitting (aside from a barely functional ability to follow instructions), I thought this project would be way more intimidating… But once I got started, I realized that this is actually pretty straightforward. A lot of work to get it started, and A LOT of math (Ugh. MATH!), but it’s not the esoteric voodoo I was expecting.

I’ll be keeping track of my progress here. So far, I’ve gotten through a truly staggering amount of work on a repeating Fair Isle pattern I designed (9 hours. It took 9 hours.), and I came up with a simple lace pattern to use. The swatches came out pretty good… once I tested them out with matching needles. The first swatches were knit on a mismatched “pair of size 8 and size 7 needles. I’ve had smarter ideas.

I’ll also be posting full details for the design a little later. Also I’m working on a new bra (when am I not working on a bra?) and building a duct tape dress form. I’ll be posting a little about those projects, too!

Summer Days and Summer Nights


Wow! What a crazy start to summer! I did two events, a First Fridsy, that went FABULOUS, and another event, the West Park Arts Fest, which did not go particularly well, but was definitely a learning experience.

What did I learn, you ask?

That event managers and organizers sometimes tell lies to get vendors.

To make up for the disappointment that was last weekend, I am gearing up for another battery of events-

June 28th, 9am-1pm
Lansdowne Farmers Market
I will be bringing freshly mixed body products from my new Raw Spa, which you can check out at THE RAW SPA .

The current line of products is called “Jewel of the Nile”, and was inspired by many sleepless nights researching ancient Egyptian cosmetics and beauty aesthetics. See, I just KNEW I would be able to mix my anthropology major with my work!!! I will also have the butterfly and fish hair pins, the little lotii clips, and a few of the Matahari pieces.

July 4th, 11am- 10pm
Philadelphia First Friday, at 2nd & Church St.
Yep, this is going to be a loooooooong day. But in addition to fabulous freshly mixed lotions and potions, and the fun CREASE origami pieces, I will be bringing my awesome, fantastic, wonderful German cousin with me!! It’s her first time in America, and she will be staying with me for two months!! And of course being the great cousin that I am, I thought her first few days here should include a wicked long day in the Philadelphia heat, at what I think is the coolest event in town! Plus, I hear there will be fireworks, two blocks away at Penns Landing! (have I convinced you yet?)


July 12, 10am-4pm
First African Presbyterian Church Summer Market
This is going to be my first time at the FAPC Market, so I’m excited to see what other vendors will be there! Right now I am planning on mostly having the CREASE origami pieces, so lots of butterflies, fish and flowers!


I’m still looking in to more events to do around the area. So if you live around Philly or the Main Line, keep an eye out for us! I might even slide my fabulous blog followers a discount… ::hint HINT::

In addition to that, since there is no such thing as TOO BUSY, at least in my overly caffeinated opinion, I’m starting work on the samples for this fall’s Thing That Go BUMP!! collection. Yes, the collection that I promised last year, and then failed to finish. I am even planning to have a line of body products to go with it!!!

20140620-113657.jpgI’m trying to come up with some fun and funky Halloween products. I feel like all-natural, organic body products are frequently stodgey and boring. What do you guys think? What sorts of things do you think of when you imagine Halloween lotions and such? I’m game for any suggestions you can throw at me!

Well, that’s my looooooong over due update. I keep telling myself to keep the blog updated better… I mean, do I really need those four hours of sleep a night, anyway?

And People in Hell Want Ice Water…

Today, Philadelphia just took a huge sucker punch in terms of weather. It’s got to be at least 95 degrees, and let’s face it- my house doesn’t have AC. Tons of cieling fans, but no AC.

So there was a lot of working for ten minutes and then taking a break to chug a bucket of water, and then go jump into a cold shower to cool off. Much misery was to be had by me and my puppy (who was also eventually dumped into a cold shower to cool off). However, my parrot couldn’t have been happier. He was on his best behavior when my Friend-Who-Remains-Anonymous fed him strawberries (which is really something, because usually Jack the Parrot enjoys trying to break finger bones…), and then sang for us when I sprayed him with water. So at least one of us was happy!

JackI am now safely tucked away at a friend’s house, basking in their air conditioned glory, and scanning the first article for my CIBA Review Archive, and some vintage knitting patterns, for those of you who love to knit! 🙂

In other words, it was just WAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY too hot to stay at my house and be surrounded by a hot iron, a hot computer, and a hot dog who thought it was the perfect weather to curl up on my free foot.