Who is the Manneighquinne?

I am a costume designer/fashion designer who got rejected from every fashion school in New York (::SIGH::). Go figure. Some people get all the luck.

I have worked in theater as a designer for six years, out of Delaware County Community College Theater, first as a student, and then, after I graduate, I was hired on as a full time designer! I have also worked with Amaryllis Theater in Philadelphia and Drexel University’s Mandell Theater.

In light of some obstacles blocking the pathway of my education, I decided to launch into fashion and accessories, by selling mini series and mini collections as Kerosene Side Show. I released a vintage Pin-up lingerie collection. And drank coffee. Lot’s of coffee. And took on the monumental challenge (to me at least) of getting my undergrad degree in Anthropology, at Temple University.

All at the same time…

In 2015, I made the executive decision to close down Kerosene Side Show, focusing more of my energy on my second business (a natural skincare start-up). Nowadays, I create clothing for fun, not for profit, and it’s a much more enjoyable experience!

Recently, I’ve started diving into knitting design, but I keep my sewing machine pretty busy, still. There’s all that fabric from when I thought I was going to be the next Givenchy, and it’s not going to sew itself! 😉

I live in Philadelphia, with my feathered dragon, Jack, and my Friend-Who-Remains-Nameless (AKA the love of my life).

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